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Weekend Endurance Ride (WE Ride)

Date and Time

Sunday, September 1, 2024, 8:00 AM until 1:00 PM

Event Contact(s)

Chi Ao

Randy Head


Member Rides

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

WE-ride, Sunday, September 1, 8 AM - GMR Loop 


To celebrate the Labor Day holiday weekend, we will ride the classic Route 39-GMR Loop from Encanto Park this Sunday. The ride will be especially enjoyable since the GMR and GRR stretches will be closed to automobile traffic for the holiday. 


We start out up Route 39 to the East Fork bridge, where we traditionally have the first regroup. We then stop at the Camp Williams Store, where riders can get snacks and refill their water bottles. Once we reach the GMR saddle, riders interested in an extra challenge can ride up to Baldy Village via GRR, which will also be closed to automobiles. After the stunning GMR descent, we ride back along the foothills to Encanto Park. 


Route for Download:

This route covers about 38 miles with ~3600 feet of climbing.


Start: 8:00 AM at Encanto Park, Duarte (


Weather Forecast: Sunday is forecast to be sunny, reaching highs in the upper 80s after cool temperatures at the start. 



Please keep the following in mind when joining the WE Rides:

• Download the route prior to arrival.

• Be self-sufficient, prepared to handle flats and minor bike repairs.

• Carry a cell phone in case of emergency or to get that Uber ride needed every once in a while. (Be aware, however, that cell phone reception on many WE-ride routes in the San Gabriel Mountains is very limited).


This is an informal self-supported ride and not an official PAA sponsored ride. Neither PAA, the ride leaders, nor the route creators should be held responsible for any accident or injury that may occur during the ride. Please ride safely.