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HomeEndurance Team





Who We Are: The PAA Endurance Team (ET) is an enthusiastic group of club members who enjoy cycling longer distances. The team organizes the Weekend Endurance Rides (WERs) that offer regular group riding opportunities on some of our local favorite routes. 

What We Do: ET members can participate in a number of activities, including distance and climbing challenges as well as the Quarterly Endurance Rides (QERs), which are longer and more challenging “brevet-style” rides that provide excellent training for both organized endurance events and self-supported tours.

Beyond the WERs and QERs, team members ride externally organized metric century, century, double century, and multi-day distance rides. Many have raised funds toward charity rides such as BikeMS, Climate Ride, and AIDS/LifeCycle.

Joining ET: Any active PAA member is welcome to join the ET. We only ask that you could be self-sufficient during long distance rides and feel comfortable in group riding settings. For more information and to join, please contact the ET Captain at

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