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HomeEventsCSR: Tour of The Four Canyons Presented by Nancy Bond Insurance -- CANCELED

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CSR: Tour of The Four Canyons Presented by Nancy Bond Insurance -- CANCELED

Sunday, April 14, 2024, 8:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)
Descanso Gardens
1418 Descanso Dr
La Cañada Flintridge, CA  91011
Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Jeremiah Klashorst
Joe Turk
Club Supported Rides
Registration is not Required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
No Fee
No Fee

Due to the impending threat of rain, we're unfortunately cancelling this ride. 

Due to road closures in the Santa Monica Mountains, we’ve had to revise the route for the April 14 Club Supported Ride (CSR). We’re going to again borrow a route from the Weekend Endurance Team (Thanks to Ben and Chi for the help with route planning) and Tour The Four Canyons (Little Tujunga, Kagel, Lopez, and La Tuna) again this April. Please come join us to explore some unfamiliar roads!

Registration will close at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 13 to get an accurate headcount for lunch.  


***Please Note: Lunch for this ride takes place at Montrose Community Park, which is less than a mile down the hill from Descanso. We had a lot of folks skip lunch last year, which resulted in a lot of extra food. In recognition of this we’ve recently added a no lunch option during registration (Thanks Nina). If you don’t want lunch, please help us cut down on waste by letting us know with your registration!*** 


We’d like to thank our sponsor Nancy Bond Insurance Services for helping to make this ride possible! 




Distance: 49 miles 

Elevation: 4,400 ft - Note - Minor route revision uploaded on 4/8/24


The Difficulty of this ride is 7 of 10. 



The ride with start and end at Descanso Gardens
1418 Descanso Drive
La Cañada, CA



8:00 AM



Joe Turk

Montrose Community Park at mile 48: 11:00a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You will have a short ride back to Descanso after lunch.



We need your help!


SAG#1 Dillon Divide at mile 19:From 9:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. 

(For those who are looking for a more challenging ride you can continue to Bear Divide which adds 8 miles round trip and about 700’) 


SAG#2 Hansen Dam Park at mile 33: 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Please Register for each of our rides as we use the number registered to buy lunch. If you can't make the ride (after registering), please Cancel Registration through the event page. When we buy food for 100 people registered, but only 60 people show up, we have a lot of wasted food and it cuts into our budgets. By registering, you also sign the mandatory waiver.

If you don't register and show up the morning of the ride, not only does it slow down the process of marking attendance (as you must sign a waiver), but we can't get an accurate headcount for lunch



  • All riders should be prepared to do minor repairs on the road (e.g., change a flat)
  • Due to the challenging nature of most club supported rides, groups will invariably form and split up en route depending on riders levels of fitness, training goals, etc.
  • For your safety, a helmet is mandatory on PAA rides.
  • Check the forum and event page before the ride, in case of inclement weather which may result in a change of the route or cancellation of the event.
  • Guests are welcome, but must also RSVP (guest ticket), sign a ride waiver, and make a $20 donation.